Senin, 18 November 2019

Expression of Love

Expression of love is the way how you express the special feeling or affection to someone or something special in your life. It could be show to your parents, bestfriends, friends, boy/girl friends, pet, special things or etc.

Example of Expression of Love
  • I love you
  • I love you so much
  • I love you from the deepest of my heart
  • I love you from the bottom of my heart
  • I do love you
  • I love you endlessly
  • I can't stop loving you
  • I must love it
  • I really love it
  • I am crazy about you
  • I am crazy of .......

  • I feel the same with you
  • So do I
  • I love you too
  • Mee too
  • I have same feeling with you
  • I do love you too

Conversation of Expression of Love
Rama : Zizi, I wanna say something to you. 
Zizi : Yes, of course. What do you wanna say? 
Rama : You are the one and only girl that I love in this world. I love you from the deepest of my heart

Expression of Greeting and Leave Taking

Expression of greeting is the expression that you show when you meet with someone.

Example of Expression of Greeting
  • Hi.... 
  • Hello... 
  • Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening / Night
  • How are you? 
  • How do you do? 
  • How is it going on? 
  • How have you been? 
  • I'm glad to meet you
  • I'm happy to see you
  • Nice to meet you
  • Nice to see you

Expression of leave taking is the expression that you express when you will end the meeting.

Example of Expression of Leave Taking
  • Bye...
  • Good Bye
  • See You
  • I must go now
  • I think, I should be going
  • I think, I should be on my way
  • I've got to go now
  • I've got to run now
  • I'd better go now
  • I've to go now

Expression of Giving and Responding Compliment

Expression of Compliment is an expression to express or give praise to the others. We can express it in many situations, like : On someo...